How Verizon and a BGP Optimizer Knocked Large Parts of the Internet Offline Today
- Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) - is a protocol to exchange routing tables
- BGP optimizer: splits up IP prefixes into smaller (more specific) parts
- Verison sent these rules into the internet
- 15% loss of global traffic
- Verizon should have configured everything correctly long ago:
- Configure hard limit prefixes to be received
- IRR-based filtering
- RPKI framework with BGP Origin Validation (AT&T have enabld it)
- All these ideas are defined in the MANRS (Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security)
- “And there’s no good reason, other than sloppiness or laziness” (about Verizon)
- They fixed it by phone: calling the DQE to stop advertizing the incorrect BGP routes (screensot of phone calls is attached)
Elixir v1.9.0
- New concept is added: Releases!!!
- Folder with everything, including BEAM
- New configuration management module (Config instead of Mux.Config)
- New set of commands, new hooks and configuration files
- Buf fixes + small improvements