- StatefuleSets for: stable network id, persistent storage, ordered deployment and termination
- Federation: DaemonSets, Deployments, ConfigMaps
- OpenAPI spec is beta for APIServer, python client
- Выпустили 1.5.1 - надо пропускать 1.5.0
- –anonymous-auth= true by default
Three States and a Plan: The A.I. of F.E.A.R.
- Two state: Animate and Goto
- not FSM for satte
- FSM: how to behave in every situation. Procedural
- Planning system: set goals and actions and AI decide how to sequence actions to satisfy goals. Declarative
- STRIPS planning (STanford Research Institute Problem Solver). Actions: [preconditions] -> [effects]
- Goal: eliminate thread:
- Fire gun? Load it first
- Melee atack? Move close
- GameDesign: Edit scene: add goal for any scene
- Soldier, Assasin, Rat - the same goal, different ActionSets
- Benefit1: decoupling goals and actions
- Benefit2: Layering behaviours:
- KillEnemy
- Dodge goal
- AtackMelee action
- GoToNode (cover) -> then KillEnemy (no general plan, switch goals)
- KillEnemyFromCover action
- BlindFireFromCover action
- Ambush goal (change position to a safer place)
- Benefit3: Dinamic Problem Solving
- Differences from STRIP:
- Cost per action. -> Graph of actions from current state to goal, A* to find optimal actions