- Cluster creation with two commands (kubeadm command)
- limitations: AWS integration won’t work (ELB)
- single master,
- kubectl logs won’t work (use docker logs instead)
- no easy way to generate kubeconfig (copy from master)
- simplified installation (4 packages with all the deps in all major linux distributions)
- expanded stateful application support
- ScheduledJob = cron
- init-containers (start 1+ containers before starting the main application)
- Dynamic PVC Provisioning moved to Beta - expose multiple storage provisioners + users select them using Storage Class API ojbect
- Stable Kubernetes Helm charts: Jenkins, MariaDB, MySQL
- Cluster Federation
- Federated Replica Sets Beta (total federated replicas, relative weight / replica count in each region/cloud
- Federated Services -> Beta (secrets, events and namespaces are added)
- Federated Ingress -> Alpha for GCP (L7 globally load balanced)
- Container security support (Pod Security Policy)
- Infra enhancements
- inter-pod affinity and anti-affinity
- Kubernetes Dashboard UI